Rhode Island Barber License

Rhode Island Barber License

If you are in Rhode Island and want to work as a beautician, first, you are to get a RI barber license. You can get your certificate through the Rhode Island Department of Health. The process includes several simple steps. We will go through those steps below.

Training options for the certificate

First, you must find a beautician school which meets your needs. After that, you can apply for your RI beautician certificate through the State of RI Department of Health. You have three options of training:

  • attend barber training program consisting of 1500 hours
  • study and get a certificate through an apprenticeship
  • join the training program with the apprenticeship

Here we will keep you informed about each option thoroughly.

In the first case, your school should provide you with 1500 hours of training (both theoretical and practical). During this period, you are to pass the following subjects (these subjects are not limited).

  • Sanitation and infection control
  • Shampooing
  • Honing and stropping
  • Hair coloring
  • Waving
  • Facial massage
  • Beards and shaving

In the second case, you are to be registered as an apprentice with the RI Board. For this purpose, you will need a licensed specialist to supervise your full-time work. In other words, you should study and have a trial period simultaneously. It may take you two years. After that period, you can get an affidavit to apply for the certificate.

In the third case, you are to have 1,000 classroom hours and 840 hours (that is to say over six months) of the trial period. This option is a mixture of both.

The requirements of all the above-mentioned options are enforced by the Rhode Island Board of Hairdressing and Barbering. So, the period of getting a certificate in RI differs depending on these options. It can last up to two years.

Barber certificate application process

After completing your chosen training option, it comes to applying to the Board for your RI barber license. It aims to show that you are ready for the upcoming exams. Besides, it serves as an official application. Before submitting, be sure to have the following copies

  • Your last passport photo
  • Your birth certificate copy
  • High school documentation
  • Barbering school transcripts

You need to pay the current application fee of $25.

Qualifying exams

Now it comes to taking exams after applying. You are to take written and practical exams. The exams have been created by the NIC (National – Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology).

The written exam lasts 90 minutes. It aims to check your knowledge of the above-listed subjects. It is a theory exam, which you will pass through multiple choice.

The practical exam is different. Here you need to have a model or a mannequin to show your barbering abilities. You will have the following tasks

  • Setup and client hygiene
  • Shaving
  • Haircutting
  • Facial procedures
  • Final touch-ups

Your required score for both exams must be 70% and higher. Once you pass the exams successfully, you will get your initial RI barbering certificate.

After the implementation of the above-mentioned steps, you should be ready to start your barbering career in Rhode Island. The salary depends on the professionalism and experience of a barber. A beginner can earn $19,042 on average, while that of the professionals rises to 42,187 on average.


You need to renew your license every year on the 30th of September. For that purpose, you will be mailed the renewal form. However, you don’t need educational courses for renewing it. You are to submit the renewal form and fee back to the Board. For verifying your barber license, visit the following website.

In conclusion, to begin a barbering career in Rhode Island, you need much practice and a verified barber license. You can also visit this page to get more information on other licenses in Rhode Island.

Evelina V

Evelina V

Evelina is a junior content writer with high tech skills. She has been working as a computer operator, secretary and English language teacher for a long period of time. However, she never gets enough of studying and enhancing her skills. Now, she writes SEO-friendly and original content for different websites and blogs.